We have the widest selection of Valve Lockouts, with rapid delivery times, in the UK, Europe, Middle East, USA, South America and Russia
Every year thousands of workers get killed or injured while performing repairs or maintenance on industrial equipment or machinery. Many of these accidents are caused by the uncontrolled release of energy. Our lockout/tagout products and services, offers a broad range of durable, easy-to-use lockout devices that cover most mechanical and electrical applications. Lockout Tagout Safety services help companies with limited resources quickly get their program up to speed, ensuring that lockout activities are implemented in a way that promotes optimum safety while maximizing efficiency and reducing downtime.
Employee welfare within a manufacturing or engineering environment is a primary concern for employers. All workers should expect to be able to carry out their work in a safe manner that has
no negative effect on their health and wellbeing. Many organisations even believe that their working environment should be superior to
others, making it a competitive aspect when recruiting staff.
Health and safety in the workplace is about measures designed to ensure the health and safety of employees,
visitors, the general public and the environment, who can be affected by workplace activities. Health and safety is controlled largely by legislation and regulations and the law is continually being revised
and updated. It is important that organisations are aware of these changes and keep up to date with
developments. Lockout Tagout is a safe way of ensuring employee safety when working on isolated machinery, and ensuring organisations can follow legislation.
Outward/inward rotation allows for easier installation and storage
Surrounds the valve operating handle to protect against accidental valve opening
Unique patent-pending rotating design allows for easier installation in confined space applications
Each size rotates into itself and nests into the next larger size to save space in safety tool boxes
Complete with high-visibility permanent safety labels (English, French & Spanish) that can be written-on to identify the responsible person, then erased for the next job
Perform effectively in extreme conditions (temperature range: -50°F (-46°C) to 350°F (177°C)
Integrated, one-piece moulded construction eliminates loose parts
Resiliant polycarbonate material provides twice the heat resistance and quadruple the impact strength of typical stations
Secure with combination lock for simple access control
Innovative hinge holds cover open for easy product selection
Choose Safety Padlocks from LOTO-410-ML ; LOTO-1106-ML ; LOTO-3-ML
Plus FOC Safety Lockout Padlock Key Charting System is available to you. Protecting your investment and ensures untrusted users cannot duplicate keys through Safety protocol.
Lightweight safety lockout Carrying case, 381 (L) x 241 (H) x 178 (W) mm. Includes modular translucent storage compartments for improved organisation and fast component selection.
Seperate compartments for effective grouping of (1) Padlocks & hasps (2) Valve Lockout & (3) electrical lockout components.
This Group kit is for multiple workers; padlocks are supplied keyed-different to ensure no employee can open a colleague's padlock.
FREE Padlock Key Charting System is available to ensure you , the authorised signatory, keeps control of any key duplication.
6 x 410RED-ML Safety Padlocks Keyed To Differ
1 x 420-ML Hasp
1 x 427-ML Snap-On-Hasp
1 x 8611-ML Adjustable Cable Lockout
1 x 480-ML; 1 x 481-ML; 1 x 482-ML; 1 x 483-ML Gate Covers
2 x 468L Ball Valve Covers
2 packs of 12 x 497a-ML "Do Not Operate" Tags (Heavy Duty Quality)